Woman’s car gets smashed by a semi truck and when rescuers arrive on the scene they realize that she crawled out

The ability to escape a potentially fatal scenario alive will forever alter how you perceive life. You generally gain a stronger respect for life and a fresh feeling of purpose when you reflect back on the current situation. After all, you are still here!

That moment will live on in the memory of one lady online forever.

Spooky incidents.

Car crashes may be very violent. Not the fender-bender, pull over to the side of the road and bicker about attorneys kind, but the scraped metal, leaking fluid, and gouges in the pavement kind. One of such accidents recently involved a woman from the state of Washington.W

Rescuers stumped.
Police and medical staff had trouble believing what they were witnessing because of how horrific the disaster was.

Hitting the brakes hard.
Rocky Oliphant, a State Trooper who arrived on the scene, couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The woman was traveling on the I-5 when the collision happened. The truck in front of her slowed down, forcing the woman to apply the brakes.

The woman was being followed by a semi-truck that was far too near for her to see.

The truck behind her was unable to halt.

A little vehicle can stop far more easily than a huge one due to the laws of physics. (inertia and all that). The woman had plenty of time to slow down when she used the brakes. However, the semi-truck in front of her didn’t.

When the semi hit her, the back end of the automobile was hoisted up, folded upwards, and the entire thing was crushed into a little cube.

The only thing that made the Nissan Altima the woman was driving look like a car were the tires that protruded from it at odd angles.

Oliphant added, “The automobile was struck from behind, folded in two, and the semi came to rest on top of the car. “I have never witnessed anything like it in my 14 years in the industry.”

A miracle.

The woman somehow managed to get out of the vehicle.

The woman was able to exit the cubed automobile and escape the death trap with no trouble. The woman’s ability to escape with only minor wounds is quite extraordinary. No one else was harmed in any way. Authorities were surprised to see the devastation when they got on the site.

People expressed their own shock when the picture of the automobile was uploaded on Twitter.

Upon viewing the image, it is clear why. Most individuals scream out loud and show evident disbelief when they learn the woman is still alive.

One Twitter user responded, “For someone [to] walk away from that it’s got to be the safest car on the planet.”

Can we anticipate Nissan using this image in advertisements? Most likely not, but it does indicate that a distant engineer just possibly saved the life of this woman.

We can only speculate on the woman because we don’t know who she is.

A true blessing.

What may we infer? To begin with, she is a very fortunate woman (maybe it’s time to play the lottery?). Additionally, she is likely going through some type of “purpose” crisis after realizing that she survived an accident that no one should have survived.



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