The best dad jokes – Part 3

You know them, you love them – dad jokes!

Dad jokes have become a mainstay of contemporary humor, with their creative wordplay and puns evoking equal amounts of moans and laughter. We examine why these absurd one-liners are so good at making us giggle and why they have become such a cherished part of our language in this piece.


1.Why are circles bad at telling stories?

Because they are pointless.


2.What has hands but can’t clap?

A clock.


3.How did the man like to watch fishing tournaments?

Through a live stream.


4.Why did the computer go to the doctor?

It had a virus.


5.Why don’t dogs like walking in the rain?

They are afraid of Poodles.


6.Why did the tomato blush?

Because it saw salad dressing.


7.Why are shrimp bad at sharing?

They are shellfish.


8.What did the daddy buffalo say to his son when he left for camp?



9.Why did the cookie go to the hospital?

He felt crumby.


10.Why are pirates bad at singing the alphabet song?

They get stuck at C.

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