Teen’s having graduation party when 18 of his late dad’s fellow officers show up

When kids are young, they frequently look up to particular groups of adults. Some find inspiration in athletics, while others find inspiration in first responders, military, or celebrities.

One little boy saw police officers as role models.
He is not that young lad anymore; his name is Micah Schieber.

He had just graduated from high school and had chosen to invite as many police officers as he could to his graduation celebration. Now, Micah had very personal motives for asking the police to his celebration.
Micah’s father was a police officer, which explains why he has such a strong affection for the police.

Micah’s father tragically passed away when he was just six years old.

While running a marathon, Micah’s father had collapsed.

He left behind a wife and three children when he went away from difficulties with his heart.

Clearly, this was very difficult for Micah, his siblings, and his mother, and the terrible event had a significant impact on the family.

One of the most difficult aspects, according to his mother, was seeing her children cry while knowing she couldn’t make their father come back.

At Micah’s father’s funeral, hundreds of police officers were present. This had a profound effect on Micah that is still felt today.

He said to Inside Edition that inviting police officers to his home for his graduation celebration gave him the impression that his father was still there.

Micah had sent out the invites, but he had no clue if any, or even how many, officers would turn up.
Unexpectedly, 18 police cars with bright lights came up to his house, greeting him with grins on their faces.

They formed a queue in Micah’s driveway and alternated handshakes with him.

The teen also had a small surprise in store for the policemen. He assembled celebration packages for each of them and distributed them.

In addition, he gave them a gift that he had created in his welding class.

For Micah, his family, and all the officers present at the party, the day was very memorable.
Several of them had worked on the police force alongside Micah’s father, and they mourned him in the same way as the rest of his family.

Losing someone you love may be difficult, but spending time with others who also knew and loved them might help to lessen the sorrow.

Several individuals had the opportunity to celebrate a loved one who had passed away during Micah’s gathering.

If you’ve ever lost a loved one, make sure to pay them the highest tribute you are able to. They can then continue to exist via you and the shared experiences you have.


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