Shannen Doherty Prepares For Death By Clearing Out Her Stuff So Her Mom Doesn’t Have To Do It

Most people who have been following celebrity news are aware that Shannen Doherty has been going through a battle with cancer. The 52-year-old actress, who is best known for her role on Beverly Hills 90210 has stage IV breast cancer and it has spread into her bones and brain.

After being diagnosed in 2015, Doherty was very vocal about her experience. In 2017, the cancer went into remission but it eventually came back two years later and it was in stage IV.

At this point, Shannen Doherty reveals that she is preparing to die and although she is fighting for life, she is also taking practical measures in the event that the cancer wins. One of the ways that she is doing so is by sorting things out so her mother does not have to deal with it after she passes away.

On Monday, she announced in a podcast that she has begun to purge her things so that her mother does not have to clear them out after she is gone. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you have to clear out after the death of someone, it can be a daunting task.

She has started clearing out storage units and selling her belongings, saying that she puts her mother as a priority because she knows that it will be hard on her if she passes.

She just wants to make things as easy as possible for her mother at this point. She doesn’t want her to have to deal with a lot of minutia and she does have four storage units filled with furniture.

She feels that getting rid of the things that she no longer needs makes the transition easier for her mother and she will be able to deal with her daughter being gone. At this point, she is doing it just in case something happens.

Shannon has homes in different locations and she is clearing out her home in Tennessee. She had planned on moving to the property and fostering horses, but she has let that dream go at this point.

She said: “So we were in Tennessee and I was packing up one of the places there. It was really hard and really emotional because to a certain extent — I felt like I was giving up on this dream of building this property out, and putting a house for me and a house for my mom and then extending the barn.”

At first, it was to be a rescue sanctuary for horses that were abandoned and were too old. She didn’t like having to give up on that dream.

She said, with tears in her eyes: “That was one of my dreams. I was packing up and I started crying … I felt like I was giving up on a dream and what did that mean for me? Did it mean that I was giving up on life? Did it mean that I was throwing in the towel?

“And my mom was there and she was like, ‘Don’t get rid of this place, it’s fine. You don’t have to and you can keep going.’ I said, ‘Yeah, absolutely I can.’”

After returning to the property a week later to pack her belongings and take them to California, she realized that her dream was never going to be a reality. She called it a ‘stupid idea’ because of the cost of renovation and says it has given her a sense of peace because she is doing the right thing.

By purging the things she no longer needs, she has more time to focus on what is more important in life. She has extra play money, so she is able to take her mother on vacations and she makes sure that everyone is well cared for after she passes.