Mother gets an honorary law degree after tirelessly reading text books to her blind daughter for 5 years

A mother’s love is perhaps the most powerful force in the world. It is an unconditional, unyielding, and unwavering love that knows no bounds. From the moment she learns of her pregnancy, a mother’s love begins to grow and flourish, and it only intensifies as she carries her child in her womb, gives birth to them, and raises them through the many challenges and triumphs of life.

A mother’s love is unique and unparalleled. It is the kind of love that puts her child’s needs above her own, that wakes her up in the middle of the night to soothe a crying baby, that teaches her child to walk, to talk, and to explore the world around them. It is the kind of love that knows no boundaries, that endures through thick and thin, that supports her child no matter what.

Berru Merve Kul from Kocaeli, Turkey, was born with a visual impairment but that never stopped her from getting her law degree from the University of Sakarya in 2018.

And how she did it?

It was all thanks to her wonderful mother Havva Kul, who read her lecture notes through four years of law school.

As she grew up, Havva knew that providing her daughter with an education would be a challenge. Despite this, she was determined to give her daughter the best education possible.

At college, Berru Merve faced a new set of challenges. As a blind student, she had to rely on others to read her course materials, which often meant waiting for weeks to receive the information she needed to complete her assignments. This is where her ever-supporting mother stepped in once again. She began reading all of Emma’s textbooks and course materials to her, allowing her daughter to keep up with her studies in real-time.

For five years, Havva dedicated her time to reading and helping her daughter, allowing Berru Merve to graduate college with honors. At the age of 22, Berru Merve graduated with a degree in law and Sakarya University invited Havva to be on the stage as well. And, during the graduation ceremony, something amazing happened.

Professor Mahmut Bilen, Dean of the Faculty of Law of Sakarya University, praised Havva for going above and beyond to help her daughter turn her dream into a reality. In order to express his gratitude for what she did, the professor presented Havva with an honorary law degree.

Let this story demonstrate how perseverance and hard effort can shift mountains. In the instance of Berru Merve, she serves as an example to many, especially those who share her vision impairment. She is incredibly fortunate to have a mother like Havva who provides her with unwavering support around-the-clock.