Little Boy Cancer Photo Went Viral But There Is New News Today

Our hearts really go out to anyone who is struggling with cancer as well as the families that struggle along with them. It is even more so, however, when it is a child who is suffering.

One of the children who struggled with cancer was Beckett, who was two years old when he made the headlines. He has a story that is sad, but it is also inspiring and one that shows us that good things can happen in life.

The picture that captured the attention of the world was posted to social media in 2019. His mother, Kaitlin posted the picture with her 2-year-old son, who was being comforted by his older sister while going through chemotherapy treatment.

The report showed that he had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 2018 and treatment started without delay. Aubrey, who was his 4-year-old sister, had to watch as her little brother struggled to maintain even a little strength during that time.

His mother talked about her son and how he spent 35 days in the hospital during the treatments. Aubrey was not able to see him at that time but she did know he was sick and the doctors were doing what they could to help. She had a difficult time understanding the gravity of the situation.

The good news is, that the treatment worked and now Beckett is cancer-free.

“I watched my only son go through so much and still smile. I watched my sweet Aubrey push through a difficult time in her life and become so independent,” Kaitlin explained.

“She saw her best friend/brother in a state no sibling should ever have to experience.”

Now that he has overcome the cancer, he is back in school again. His mother said that he is done with the treatment, back in school, and attending first grade.

He is now six years old and he and his elder sister have formed a bond that is unbreakable. It’s an amazing story that reminds us that good things happen to good people.