Couple retires at 50 and they start living on cruise ships because its cheaper than paying for their house

As the world becomes more and more connected, many people are finding themselves with the desire to explore new places, try new things, and live life to the fullest. For some, this means retiring early and traveling the world, while for others, it means finding new and unique ways to live their lives. For one retired couple, this meant ditching their mortgage and living on a cruise ship full-time.

Right after they booked their first cruise ship trip right after their wedding, Richard and Angelyn discovered that they love the cruise ship life. While they were working, managed to organize one trip every year, but when they retired, they took their love of traveling to a whole other level. As they approached retirement, they realized that they could make their cruise ship lifestyle a permanent reality. By using their life savings and by selling their house and using the money to pay for cruise ship trips for the rest of their lives. They did their research and found a ship that this option was better than paying their mortgage. They knew they would never get bored.

The couple’s decision to live on a cruise ship full-time was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. They spent months planning and budgeting to make sure they could afford the cost of living on a cruise ship, which can be quite expensive. The approached this new idea not as a vacation but as a new lifestyle. This means that while on the cruises, they had to spend money wisely. This meant renting out the cheapest rooms, staying away from the beverage packages, not spending their money on gambling and other types of unnecessary spending that is more typical for vacation trips.

Living this way also meant that they had to downsize a lot. This meant that they set out on their journey with just one suitcase per person! They believed that they would need only a small number of personal items and if there was a need for other things, they could just buy them during their travels.

Of course, there were some challenges along the way. Living on a cruise ship meant that Richard and Angelyn had to adapt to a new way of life, including dealing with sea sickness, adjusting to smaller living quarters, and being away from their family and friends for extended periods of time. But they were determined to make it work, and they did.

Living on a cruise ship also allowed the couple to travel to places they had only ever dreamed of visiting. And when they were in-between trips, they would stay on land and usually visit friends and family which allowed them to stay in touch with people that lived in different places in the world and it also made it cheaper instead of renting a place to stay.

Overall, John and Jane’s decision to retire on a cruise ship was a bold and adventurous one, but it has paid off in so many ways. They have had the opportunity to see the world, meet new people and enjoy their retirement life in the best possible.