Brother’s heartwarming request to his Down Syndrome sister will bring tears to your eyes

Having a sibling means having a lifelong best friend. Brothers and sisters are the first ones we turn to in times of difficulty and the first ones we want to share our joy with, knowing that the happiness we experience together will be doubled.

Siblings hold a special place in our hearts, representing a cherished part of our childhood that we never want to let go of. Chris Garafola and Brittany Garafola, a brother and sister from Vermont, are fortunate to have each other as siblings and best friends. Despite Brittany having Down Syndrome, she holds a significant place in her brother’s life, and their bond has remained unbreakable since childhood due to their loving upbringing.


Chris, who is Brittany’s younger brother by two years, considers himself and his sister a “package deal.” He remembers never missing an opportunity to remind her of how much she means to him.

In a heartwarming Instagram post, Chris expressed his gratitude for Brittany, acknowledging that she has always been a source of love, challenge, and valuable life lessons for him. He further stated that she has given him countless opportunities to mature and grow as a person, ultimately becoming the best possible brother to her.

Undoubtedly, having Down Syndrome has posed certain challenges for Brittany, not due to any fault of her own, but largely due to societal perceptions and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. However, with her brother’s unwavering support, she has managed to overcome every obstacle.

As Chris and Brittany grew older, Chris found love in Tatiana, a woman who fully appreciated the significance of Brittany in Chris’s life and embraced her as if she were her own sister. Chris and Tatiana’s wedding plans were even postponed to ensure that Brittany could attend. During the pandemic, Brittany’s weakened immune system required her to be extra cautious, limiting her ability to go out.However, after receiving her vaccine on February 20th, her brother and her future sister-in-law could start preparing for their big day.

It was important to Chris and Tatiana that Brittany had a special role on their wedding day. One day, Tatiana video called Brittany and posed a significant question while Chris, who is a male model, recorded the conversation.

Tatiana can be seen asking, “And you know what I wanted to ask you? Can you be my maid of honor?” As expected, Brittany tearfully accepted the offer.

In April 2021, Chris and Tatiana tied the knot and presented Brittany with a beautiful ring as a token of their affection and appreciation. Chris reaffirmed that his bond with Brittany would remain strong, emphasizing that she has been his best friend since day one.

After the wedding video was shared online, many people lauded Chris and Tatiana for their devotion and commitment to Brittany. This is a shining example of the love and connection that siblings should have, wouldn’t you agree?

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