Biker saves dog and makes him his new co-pilot after seeing a guy assaulting it

Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are loyal, affectionate, and bring joy and companionship into the lives of their owners. Whether you are a first-time dog owner or a long-time dog enthusiast, it is hard to deny the many benefits of having a furry friend by your side. Dogs can provide comfort, reduce stress, and even improve physical health. In this article, we will explore the many reasons why dogs are great and how they can make a positive impact on our lives.

Biker Brandon Turnbow demonstrated how much love he had in his heart on Valentine’s Day when he put everything on hold to help a little puppy that was being mistreated.

Turnbow was traveling on his motorbike along Texas’ Highway 171, on his way to meet his father for a day of biking.

Turnbow witnessed a horrible guy abusing a little Jack Russell as he was driving along the highway.
Turnbow was stunned, and he made the hasty decision to tell the man what’s on his mind. He was about to respond when the man dumped the dog onto the curb and drove off.

Turnbow realized he couldn’t just leave the tiny dog there since he was injured and terrified.
Turnbow approached the shivering dog cautiously. Turnbow feared the dog might dart into oncoming traffic, but happily he remained still.

“I take a chance and just fold my body over him to see if he will bite or trust me,” Turnbow wrote on Facebook. “He then just lays his body into me shaking so I just stand up with him in my arms and sit him on the bike seat. I was thinking now what?”

Turnbow was aware that he needed to act swiftly, but he didn’t want to frighten the dog further. So, to assist the pup get acclimated to the vibrations, he started the motorcycle before getting back on the road. Turnbow placed the tiny Jack Russell inside his backpack once it appeared that the animal was at ease.

He fell in love the moment he caught sight of the dog’s large eyes fixed on him.

“I watched in my rear view and saw this guy throw the dog into the air curbside and drive off. I went after the guy just to give him a number one sign,” Brandon said on Facebook. “And I now have a Co pilot — Meet Mr. DAVIDSON.”

Turnbow adopted the puppy that day and gave him the name Mr. Davidson in honor of his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Fortunately, Mr. Davidson cherished accompanying Turnbow on his motorcycle!

“I try to look back as much as I can to see if the dog was trying to move around or not and surprisingly he actually liked riding…. So we had about 45 miles to ride to get back to my place and Mr Davidson was in heaven! I actually think he was a little mad at times that I was blocking his wind!”

The 10-year-old dog adapted well to living at Turnbow’s home and soon developed feelings for his new dad.
As much as the dog loved Mr. Davidson, Turnbow also adored him. Even a nice song about the dog was written by him.

Mr. Davidson is still as pleased as can be with Turnbow two years after being saved.
After a long day at work, the two enjoy spending time together by the fire!
Thank goodness, Turnbow was in the right spot at the right moment and was able to save this small puppy who had no one else to turn to in the world. We’re so happy these two connected!

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