After losing his beloved dog Michael J. Fox introduces new ‘best friend’ to the world

At 61 years old, Michael J. Fox has another kid, but it’s not what you might expect.
He adopted another dog!

Michael’s Instagram post announcing his birth made the new family a reality.

“Hey Blue, welcome to your new home!” Michael wrote.

Blue entered their life over two years after the death of his dear friend.

Gus, his beloved dog, has been with Michael J. Fox for more than a decade until he passed away in 2021 at the age of 12.

He was Michael’s “second son” and “fifth kid,” giving him the support he required, especially given his health issues. If you didn’t know, Michael J. Fox was just 29 years old when he received a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis in 1991.

Daily tasks are still challenging for the retired actor, who continues to struggle with them.

He has his family’s love and support with him, therefore it’s alright. He also had Gus.

“I didn’t rescue Gus. You can argue that he rescued me, but he’d be too modest to make that claim. You know that no matter your situation, no matter what you feel, this animal is with you and is connected to you, and you feel,” Michael J. Fox said.

Michael was incredibly appreciative of Gus’s emotional support and company.

“Your instinct when you have a chronic illness is to sometimes isolate and make your world as small as possible so you don’t have much to deal with, but a dog will open you up,” Michael shared.

They frequently strolled around Central Park in the morning, when plenty of people stopped to chat with them.
But, Michael made fun of the fact that people weren’t stopping them because they wanted to talk to the well-known actor. No, they preferred to speak with Gus.

It therefore felt appropriate that his wife Tracy Pollan sent them a seat from Central Park as a gift.

The plaque said “For Mike Fox and Gus. True New Yorkers.” Looking back, it was the greatest gift because it became a memorial for Gus.

Michael’s family remembers Gus with such fondness. This specific one was distinctive.
Michael need spinal surgery in 2018. He had to relearn how to walk when the doctors had to remove a tumor from his spinal cord. He had to use a wheelchair to go home.

Who was waiting for him when he got home, do you know?

That’s accurate. Gus was there.

“He kind of circles the wheelchair with this low kind of woof woof, woof woof, and sat in front of the wheelchair right in front of me, and looked at me, and I said, ‘It’s going to be okay,’ ” Michael recalled.

Each pet parent who loses their furry child is devastated.
Sharing wonderful memories with them while they are still living is crucial because of this.

Although Gus’ departure is painful, it is consoling to know that Gus and Michael shared a special bond.

Michael is now prepared to show another dog the same affection he showed Gus.

It seems that there are those who are willing to adore Blue than only Michael. More than 700k people have liked the post, and there have been over 7k comments.

Many people already adore this puppy, many of whom he hasn’t yet met. Several people also adore how much Einstein the dog from Back to the Future looks like him.

That is how things are. You receive love through giving it.


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