A Dog, Sheltered for 4 Years, Breaks Into the Cutest ‘Happy Dance’ Upon Being Adopted

Providing a pet with a new home through adoption can be a chance for them to have a brighter future. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter various animal shelters annually. Unfortunately, some of these pets end up being returned to the shelter despite high adoption rates.

Pets are sometimes rehomed due to problematic behaviors, such as aggression. However, others argue that an animal’s attitude depends on the human caring for them. It’s disheartening to think that some pets end up in and out of shelters multiple times. All they desire is someone to love and care for them. When they are finally adopted, it ignites a spark of hope that this time it may work out.

Dreadlock is one of those dogs who has been at a shelter for a while. He is 10 years old and has spent the last four years at the Soi Dog Foundation. This non-profit organization aids stray dogs and cats by bringing them to their shelter and providing spay and neuter services to reduce the number of homeless and abandoned animals.

When Dreadlock was taken in by Soi Dog Foundation, he was out of shape, had skin problems, and his coat was completely matted and dirty. Despite the challenges of finding homes for all their animals, any adoption news is always exciting for the foundation and the pets in their care. For Dreadlock, the news of his adoption was met with an unexpected and heartwarming reaction. Despite being a quiet and calm dog who enjoyed peaceful walks and cuddles, he couldn’t contain his joy and broke out into a happy dance when he heard the news. His happiness was palpable, and he finally moved to his forever home in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, there are many dogs like Dreadlock who are getting older in shelters and still waiting for their chance to find a loving home.

Adopting senior pets is a wonderful way to provide them with a comfortable and happy life in their twilight years. We commend the families who open their hearts and homes to these senior dogs and cats.

If you’re considering adding a pet to your family, we encourage you to visit your local animal shelter. You never know the joy and love you could bring to a pet, just like what was seen in the heartwarming video of Dreadlock’s adoption.

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