The best dad jokes – Part 1

You know them, you love them – dad jokes!

They are capable of being both ridiculous, cheesy, and profound. Here are 100 dad jokes to make everyone laugh, including both old and new ones.

Here’s to dads and jokes!


1. What kind of dogs do magicians like?



2.Why do frogs never park illegally?

They are afraid of getting toad.


3.What’s a moth’s favorite stroke?

The butterfly.


4. Why do spiders know everything?

They get their information from the Web


5.Where do sheep go on vacation?

The Baaa-hamas.


6.What did the duck say after he finished dinner?

“Put it on my bill.”


7. What do you call a snail on a ship?

A snailor.


8. What writing utensil does a boar use in class?

A pig pen.


9.What kind of lion doesn’t roar?

A dandelion.


10. Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7,8,9.

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