“Wild” horse gives “last kiss” to the person that never gave up on him

Every happy moment in life is often accompanied by a sad one. Unfortunately, the internet is filled with numerous sorrowful tales, many of which are true accounts. These stories are undeniably heartbreaking, and regardless of whether or not they involve humans, they have the potential to impact us deeply. Even situations involving animals can be just as painful.

One such story that highlights this fact involves a horse.

Due to a traumatic past that involved violence and mistreatment, this horse became hostile and difficult to handle. Its previous owners employed cruel methods to “break” the horse, which included subjecting it to beatings and leaving it tied between two posts for weeks without food or water.

Fortunately, the horse’s life took a turn for the better when it encountered a remarkable man named Max who was determined to change its circumstances. Despite its aggressive behavior, Max purchased the horse and brought it home without hesitation. Janna Grapperhaus, who shared the story, explained that her father was the one who bought the horse, and even though her mother was initially apprehensive about having the horse around, her father was determined to keep it.

“I’ll never forget the day my mom called me in a panic ‘Janna, you’ve got to convince your daddy to get rid of that horse, its gonna kill him’,” Janna recalled.

Major, the horse, was given his name because his former owner’s wife considered him to be a “Major Deal”. Unfortunately, Major’s past was filled with violence and abuse. His previous owner used brutal techniques to break horses, including tying Major’s head tightly between two posts and leaving him without food or water for four weeks. This caused Major to become aggressive and untrusting of anyone.

However, everything changed when an amazing man named Max came into Major’s life. Despite Major’s aggressive behavior, Max purchased him and took him home. It was a disaster at first, as Major destroyed five strands of fence within minutes and would bite and strike at anyone who came too close.

But Max refused to give up on Major. He worked tirelessly to gain the horse’s trust and show him love. Eventually, Major’s hostile behavior subsided, and after two years, he fully trusted Max. In fact, Major became so sweet that Max was able to ride him. It’s a heartwarming story of the transformative power of love and kindness.

“My dad didn’t break him, he earned his heart. Day after day, for hours on end, Dad worked to earn the trust of the abused and aggressive horse.

With time, Major, the once violent horse, learned to show affection and even enjoyed kissing his human friend on the head. Regular visits from Max had a positive impact on Major’s demeanor, as horses are highly social creatures.

Sadly, Max passed away in October 2020, leaving Major without his devoted friend and caretaker. It’s difficult to imagine the pain of losing someone who never gave up on him.

In honor of Max’s memory, his family arranged for Major to give him a final kiss and say goodbye to his best friend. “This is Major’s last kiss,” they said, in a touching tribute to their bond.”

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