Hero sees lost dog in freezing temperatures and decided to carry her on his back for a 6-mile descent down the mountain

Losing a pet can be a painful experience for any pet lover, especially when you are unable to say goodbye. Fortunately, social media provides us with a platform to post about our lost pets. However, what happens when your pet goes missing in a remote location like a mountain? This is exactly what happened to the Goetelen family who went on a hike with their two dogs, Harley – a 3-year-old German Shepherd, and Naoise – an 8-year-old Golden Retriever, in the Wicklow mountains one Saturday morning, only to lose sight of their beloved pets.

The Goetelen family continued their search for a day and eventually located Harley in a parking lot, but unfortunately, Naoise was still missing. The family feared the worst as the Wicklow Mountains, which are a part of the Leinster Chain in County Wicklow, Ireland, consist of an extensive mountain range with a vast anticline at the center, surrounded by slates and sandstones, and covered with ice during winter.

Given the difficult terrain, the family assumed the worst and presumed that Naoise was no longer alive. However, their fortunes changed when two hiking enthusiasts, Jean-Francois Bonnet and Ciara Nolan, who also happened to be doctors, noticed something on a rock while exploring the mountains. These heroes gave the family a glimmer of hope.

As they were approaching the summit of the mountain, Jean-Francois Bonnet and Ciara Nolan stumbled upon a weak and cold dog, a golden retriever, who was unable to walk or bark. The dog turned out to be Naoise, the missing pet of the Goetelen family. The two doctors used their medical skills to keep Naoise warm and safe by wrapping her up in clothes and offering her a snack.

Afterward, they began the challenging task of carrying Naoise down the mountain. In a heartwarming account published by the Irish Times, it was revealed that Ciara attached Naoise to Jean’s backpack using a scarf, and the two hikers continued their journey, carrying the dog with them for over six miles and taking approximately four to five hours to complete the journey.

After successfully bringing Naoise down the mountain, Jean-Francois Bonnet and Ciara Nolan took the dog to their home, where they provided food and warmth for her. They also reached out to the local animal rescue group to locate Naoise’s owners.

Upon contacting the Goetelen family, Ciara delivered the good news that Naoise had been found and was safe. Initially, the family found it hard to believe that Naoise had survived the icy mountain, but they were overjoyed to be reunited with their beloved pet after two weeks of uncertainty.

The heartwarming reunion was recorded and shared on YouTube, where it has garnered over 430K views. Followers were touched by the story, with one commenter describing Jean-Francois and Ciara as real-life heroes.

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