Adorable pup takes care of newborn triplets

Lauren Barnes of Branford, CT, has her hands full with newborn triplets and a mini Goldendoodle named Sunny. Despite the chaos, Sunny is always eager to assist. Barnes has been sharing her experiences as a mother of triplets and Sunny’s interactions with them on TikTok. One of her videos, featuring Sunny’s love for the newborns, became a viral sensation and amassed almost 2 million views on Youtube. The heartwarming footage captured Sunny attending to each of the three 2-month-old babies, who were nestled in doughnut pillows, and showering them with affection, capturing the hearts of viewers worldwide.

The babies are arranged on the couch in a row, with Sunny standing on an ottoman nearby. He leans over to give kisses to the first baby, then sniffs around the middle baby, checking that everything is okay, and finally leans over on his tiptoes to give a sniff and a little kiss to the third baby. Sunny looks ecstatic, with his big, fluffy tail wagging wildly. One commenter on YouTube joked that Sunny seemed surprised that humans have “litters” too. Another commenter remarked on how precious the video was and how dogs can be so loving when they are not mistreated or taught to be aggressive. A third commenter said, “It’s official, they’re hers too. She’ll be spending her days babysitting these three munchkins.”

According to a commenter, it seems that Sunny is not the only dog that is affectionate towards children. One person shared that their dog has been sleeping at their 6-year-old son’s feet since he was a baby and is very protective of him. Another source, Doodle Tips, notes that Goldendoodles are commonly known to be great with children, as they possess a patient and gentle nature, get along well with other animals and kids when socialized correctly, and can serve as loyal and protective friends to children while also being hypoallergenic.

Doodle Tips affirms that Goldendoodles have a renowned gentle and loving nature that makes them great companions for children and babies. Nonetheless, caution should be taken when dealing with full-sized Goldendoodles to avoid accidental harm to the child. Fortunately, Goldendoodles are highly trainable and can be taught to be careful around infants, much like Sunny. Check out the video below to see Sunny taking care of his little ones.

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