A 9-year-old who is abandoned spends two years by himself, taking care of himself and attending school.

Solo Survival in Nersac

In a remarkable tale of resilience, a 9-year-old boy in southwestern France demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness when left alone in his apartment by his mother in Nersac.

Two Years of Solitude

For two years, the boy managed to sustain himself in the apartment, facing challenges such as lack of electricity and heating. Despite these hardships, he persevered, even attending school independently.

Unnoticed Independence

Remarkably, neither neighbors nor the school administration noticed the boy’s solitary existence. Despite occasional acts of kindness from neighbors, who unknowingly provided him with food, the boy largely fended for himself.

Absence of Parental Presence

The boy’s father was notably absent from his life, with only occasional visits from his mother, who resided a mere 5 km away. The mother, facing separation from her husband, made the decision to abandon her child.

Discovery and Intervention

After months passed, neighbors eventually became aware of the boy’s situation and alerted the authorities. Despite maintaining a facade of normalcy, with good hygiene and academic performance, the boy’s solitary living conditions were eventually revealed.

Legal Consequences

The mother faced legal repercussions for child abandonment and neglect. Despite denying the allegations, evidence including phone records and neighbor testimony confirmed the boy’s independent living.

Justice Served

In court, the mother received an 18-month prison sentence and six months of electronic monitoring. However, the boy, now in his teenage years and residing in foster care, has expressed a desire to sever ties with his mother, citing minimal contact since her sentencing.