Bullies Mock Cheerleader With Down Syndrome – 3 Players Step Up to Teach Them A Lesson

Schooling is a two-sided coin that is capable of leaving students with both good and bad experience. It can be a wonderful place for the discovery of new things, skills, ideas, and friendship. On the other hand, it can come packed lots of bad experiences that leave sour tastes in the mouth of bully-victims.

If not properly handled, a school can continue to be a successful breeding place for bullies. But when bullies’ activities are checked by other students, the victims laugh last. Desiree, a down syndrome cheerleader was bullied. Three student-athletes stood up to the bullies, defended her and got an award for their kind act.

It happened that at Lincoln Middle School, some bullies sitting on the sidelines were jeering at Desiree while cheering at a basketball court. Three members of the basketball team got to know about it and couldn’t tolerate the behavior. They were very mad at them. They patiently waited until it was timeout to put up a defense for her. They stood up to the bullies and passed this simple message across- “Don’t mess with her.”

This experience changed the lives of Desiree and her classmates. The three athletes who defended her are Scooter Terrien, Chase Vazquez, and Miles Rodriguez. They are team players whose team spirit, athletic prowess and kind-hearted nature and act towards bullying earned them the Musial Awards for Sportsmanship. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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