Principal of Florida charter school compelled to resign after showing Michelangelo’s “David”

Most teachers enter the field of education not for the money but for their love of teaching. Hope Carrasquilla, a former principal of Tallahassee Classical School in Florida, was no exception. As part of her job, Carrasquilla taught a sixth-grade lesson on Renaissance art which included famous works such as Michelangelo’s “David,” “The Creation of Adam,” and Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.”

However, three parents complained about the lesson, claiming that the image of “David” was pornographic and that they weren’t given sufficient notice before the lesson. Despite the complaints, teachers like Carrasquilla remain dedicated to educating their students and sharing their love of art and culture with the next generation.


Carrasquilla acknowledged that there was a minor issue with informing parents about the lesson, as a new policy was implemented just two months earlier that requires written notification to be sent to parents two weeks in advance of teaching content that may be controversial, according to The Independent.

Following the lesson, Carrasquilla was summoned to an emergency school board meeting where she had to choose between resigning or being fired. She decided to resign, leaving the school less than a year after beginning her role as principal.

While three parents were unhappy with the lesson, the sudden termination of the school principal came as a shock to other parents. Carrie Boyd, whose children attend the school, expressed surprise at the abrupt resignation of the principal and raised concerns about the school’s apparent move towards a non-secular direction.

Tallahassee Classical School, a private charter school affiliated with Hillsdale College, has been open for three years. The school board chair, Barney Bishop, has stated that “parental rights trump everything else.” However, former principal Hope Carrasquilla is receiving support across the internet after being forced to resign over a lesson on Renaissance art that included Michelangelo’s “David” statue and Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.” Some commenters have expressed frustration over the controversy, with one comparing it to a “Simpson’s” episode. Others have pointed out that the statue is even featured in the video game Animal Crossing. The school markets itself as a “classical school,” and Renaissance art is a requirement, which has left many confused as to why these classic works of art are considered controversial enough to require parental notification. While Carrasquilla may find other employment, she and many others remain surprised by the drastic response to such renowned artwork.

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