UPS driver takes in pit bull along her route after the dog’s owner passes away

Since the pandemic, home deliveries have become more frequent, and this has led to the emergence of a new trend of befriending delivery drivers. It’s not just humans who look forward to receiving packages with a smile, but pets, particularly dogs, have also developed a fondness for delivery drivers. UPS drivers, for instance, have created a Facebook page where they post pictures of the many adorable dogs they meet on their delivery routes. These drivers have the opportunity to play and connect with the pets while delivering packages to their owners. One such connection is between UPS driver Katie Newhouser and a pit bull named Leo, whose owner’s house is one of the stops on Katie’s 15-year delivery route.

Leo, a pit bull, resides in Rancho Cucamonga, California with his owner, Tina. UPS driver Katie Newhouser has been delivering packages to Tina’s house for years, and during her visits, Leo greets her enthusiastically. Over time, Katie and Leo have developed a deep bond, and their connection has grown stronger with each delivery. Whenever Katie’s truck enters the condo complex, Leo barks and scratches at the door, eager to come down and play with her. He even recognizes her when they meet in other locations. One day, while Katie was driving up a busy street, Leo popped his head out of the passenger side and barked at her all the way down the street.

After returning from her vacation, Katie received the heartbreaking news of Tina’s passing. Her immediate concern was for Leo, who had formed a strong bond with Tina since he was just a puppy. Losing his owner and best friend would undoubtedly be difficult for him to bear.

“When I heard about Tina’s passing, I was in shock and disbelief. I knew Tina through Leo, and as with many of my customers, I usually know the dog’s name before their owner’s name,” Katie shared. Without delay, she reached out to Tina’s son, Cannon, to express her interest in adopting Leo.

Katie informed Cannon that she would take care of Leo until he returned, as she knew that they had enough to deal with. Since Cannon is a marine, it was difficult for him to look after Leo as much as Tina did. Eventually, he decided that it would be best for Leo to be with Katie.

Leo was brought to Katie’s home, where he started adapting to the new environment and the other pets in the house. Although it was challenging, Katie was there to guide him through the process.

Initially, Leo missed Tina, and he would whine at night before falling asleep, which was heartbreaking for Katie to witness. Even now, he still does every once in a while, and Katie knows that he misses her.

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