High school seniors from New Orleans East achieve ‘impossible’ mathematical breakthrough unproven for 2,000 years

Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson, two high school students, presented their findings at the American Mathematical Society’s Annual Southeastern Conference, where they claim to have proven Pythagoras’ Theorem using trigonometry, a feat previously thought impossible. The students expressed their excitement about challenging preconceptions about the capabilities of young people. Pythagoras’ Theorem states that A^2 + B^2 = C^2, and trigonometry is based on this theorem, which means using trigonometry to prove the theorem is circular logic. The students explained that an idea cannot prove itself, and their achievement is a significant breakthrough.

Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson successfully prove Pythagoras’ Theorem with trigonometry, a feat that has eluded mathematicians for 2,000 years. These high school seniors accomplished this with the guidance of their dedicated teachers who challenged them to achieve the impossible. Calcea and Ne’Kiya credit their success to their teachers and their school’s motto, “No Excellence Without Hard Labor.” Their achievement shows that with the right motivation and support, students can accomplish extraordinary things.

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