Collie in despair won’t leave the park where her beloved family abandoned her.

A pet should need a lifetime of dedication. But regrettably, there are situations when you must euthanize a pet.

In that instance, they ought to be brought to a shelter where they can search for new housing.

That convenience wasn’t available to one unfortunate collie.

In Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, in January, a collie with a wary appearance had been seen hanging out by herself at a neighborhood park.

Despite the fact that she would have been bitterly cold, the poor creature appeared to believe that her family would soon be returning to pick her up.

Concerned citizens called Janine Guido, the leader of the animal rescue group Speranza Animal Rescue, and she immediately left to look for the puppy.

“She was staying in the same spot — as if waiting for her family to return. But they never did,” Guido told The Dodo.

Guido was aware that time was of the essence and that it was crucial to get the dog into safety as quickly as possible given the subfreezing weather. But it wouldn’t be simple.

The dog, whom she called Clara, would back off whenever Guido approached before vanishing into the woods.

Guido’s concern about the puppy grew as time went on, and she turned to Facebook to inform others of the issue.

“Ever wonder what a dog dumped by her owners does?” Speranza Animal Rescue wrote on Facebook alongside some heartbreaking photos of Clara. “Sits and watches. Waiting for her family to come back.”

Many of the townspeople were eager to assist as more people learned about Clara.

It wasn’t a simple task, though, even with the additional assistance.

There had been no sign of Clara for two anxious days. Guido started to worry about the worst, but then she heard of a fresh sighting.

Clara had been attempting to stay warm by sleeping beneath someone’s back porch.

Guido immediately went outside again, and this time she came close to saving Clara.
The cautious dog wasn’t frightened again until the very last second. Another update appeared a few hours later.

This one was uploaded via the Speranza Animal Rescue Facebook page and was a live video.

“We got her! I’m so excited,” Guido told her delighted followers. “Your new life has begun. You’re safe now and we love you.”

Then, the camera focused on Clara, who was safely seated in the passenger seat.

How then did Guido eventually able to catch Clara?

She had apparently gotten a call reporting a second sighting in another residential neighborhood a few hours later.

“I was able to have her follow me on to a porch,” she said. “And the two other women blocked both entrances, so she could not escape. I leashed her and the rest is history.”

Clara was discovered to be between 15 and 20 pounds underweight and to be roughly 10 years old after a trip to the veterinarian. There was no way to tell where she had come from or who had discarded her because she too lacked a microchip.

When Clara was finally located, she was so worn out that she could hardly keep her eyes open.

She was moved to a secure and caring foster home by Guido so that she could heal before being placed for adoption. Look at that smile, please!

As this tale demonstrates, dogs care deeply, so the least we can do is take them to a secure location if we must part ways.

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