Son calls the cops on 94-year old dad who wans to travel 2.000 miles by himself and police officer helps him

How prepared are you for an impromptu road trip?

Any police officer would concur that you never know what will happen when the phone rings at the station.

Sergeant Jeff Turney found himself packing his luggage as a result when he replied to a dispatch.

He was taking a road trip.

The series of events began with a phone call made by one of Howard Benson’s children, which resulted in his son contacting the police.

What followed was a heartwarming and amusing experience as Sergeant Turney paid Benson a visit at his home. Benson, a 94-year-old veteran, had plans to drive to Florida to be nearer to his family, despite his stubbornness.

His children, concerned for his safety, had no choice but to involve the police, hoping that they could persuade him to reconsider his plans.

Upon entering Benson’s home, Sergeant Turney noticed that Benson appeared relaxed and not as though he was preparing for an exciting adventure.

“When I arrived, Howard was sitting there with his WWII hat. He was extremely proud of his service,” explains Sergeant Turney to ABC.

Despite Sergeant Turney’s efforts to convince Benson to change his plans, it seemed like his words were falling on deaf ears.

However, the Sergeant was aware that he couldn’t leave Benson on his own, as he was unable to drive due to being wheelchair-bound and was intending to make the lengthy journey from Glendale, Arizona to Florida where his new nursing home was located.

Several police officers have gone above and above for their neighborhood.

Sergeant Turney is accustomed to going above and beyond to assist, but this time, he really went the extra mile.

He returned to Benson and assisted him in loading a trailer being hauled. Benson requested the Sergeant if he could assist him in finding a driver so that he may complete his last task while beaming.
Sergeant Turney informed the elderly guy that he would do the task himself after rejecting the request.

“I thought about it for a second and knew he was going to go anyway. I had the next three days off and I just asked him, ‘how about I take you?’ He had a big smile on his face and he said – ‘You?!’”He told ABC.

A heartfelt present.

Sergeant Turney joined in on this grand journey using his own vacation time and funds.
The following three days were spent discussing Benson’s 94 years of life, ranging from his time in the Navy during World War II to his concerns about moving into his new nursing facility.

He acknowledged to Sergeant Turney that it may be his final trip, therefore he made the decision to drive so he could see America one more time.

Following their epic journey, Benson gently passed away. On Twitter, the Glendale Police Department posted a brief obituary:

“He got to see his United States one more time. He got one more birthday and one more Veteran’s Day. But sadly, Howard Benson passed away yesterday.” The police station said via Twitter.

“I’ve never seen a person so dedicated to helping people in my life,” Benson said in an interview with CBS, “I can’t thank that gentleman enough.”


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