Mini stray dog loses his cool when he spots officer and chases him down the street

There has always been a bond between people and dogs going back as far as we can tell. Our relationship with these creatures has grown through time, and it sometimes surpasses our relationship with other people.

Dogs are reputed to be excellent character judges. It’s been asserted that dogs can tell whether a person is kind or bad. A cute stray puppy in this endearing tale undoubtedly detected a decent person in front of them.

In October 2019, while on patrol, LAPD Hollywood division officers Mercado and Tavera came upon a little dog.
The lovely little puppy, who appeared to have been abandoned by its mother or the dog’s owner, was found walking the streets of Hollywood.

The dog could obviously tell that the two cops were polite and helpful as they were moving up Hobart Boulevard. The puppy then made the decision to follow them down the street!

Officers Mercado and Tavera take their duty of protection — which includes dogs — extremely seriously. They then returned him to the station.
The police agency posted their fluffy on Twitter and gave him the name Hobart, after the street he was discovered on.

The police weren’t precisely sure why Hobart was strolling the streets or from whence he came. Yet they were certain that the poor animal had been abandoned rather than just lost. To locate him a permanent home, they collaborated with a rescue organization.

The kind and appreciative dog was undoubtedly relieved to be safe. He was also making it increasingly clear that he adored being with Officer Mercado.

Hobart was initially supposed to be given to the shelter and rescue organization, but Twitter users maintained that the two were destined to be together.


Officer Mercado at last understood that they were made for each other. He thereupon declared Hobart his own.

It’s no surprise that Hobart’s life with Officer Mercardo has been nothing short of blissful.
The shelter posted an update:

“Update on Hobart (GRFF name Fidzgit) he’s the most loving and lively puppy. He loves all of his puppy cousins and will chew on his toys for hours. He’s still learning potty training and loves the outdoors/play time in the grass!” reported his dad.

Hobart loves his new life and especially loves naps with his favorite human – Officer Mercado.

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